Buddy Bodybags @bodycounters @bodycounters

Beginning in 2006, The Bodycounters took on a very special mission. Their goal: to count every body. Their humble beginnings - bored, depressed, and full of Miller Lite - have now led to a higher purpose. They have chronicled their findings painstakingly under extreme conditions. They have risked life and limb to keep their tallies, and now they bring them here to you.

If you want to stay up to date on the latest happenings and find out when new counts get posted, you can follow us on twitter, Instagram, or like us on Facebook®. We also would love to hear your comments, feedback, and counts you did at home. Arguments about our own counts are welcome and strongly encouraged. Just click on harass us! But please keep in mind that we are experts, and have developed a cadre of rules that should be followed to the letter in attempting to count bodies.

These are the rules you must follow:

  1. Every body counts.This includes cats, dogs, flies, aliens, cows, and even engagements.

  2. Fresh bodies only. Pre-existing bodies (deaths that did not happen during the course of the movie) do NOT count.

  3. Dream sequences do NOT count, but flashbacks DO.

  4. People that get turned into zombies and then die only count once. After all, it's the same body.

  5. Clones count individually. After all, it's a different body.

  6. There must be strong evidence supporting the death in the event there is no actual body. (A verbal statement that someone is dead is hearsay and doesn't count, unless it comes from a very reliable source.)

  7. Fiction within fiction does not count.

  8. Alive until proven dead.  If you have a reasonable doubt that they might have survived, you can't count it. It's like court and shit.

  9. Never count bodies alone.

  10. Sobriety is expressly forbidden. (This one is more like a guideline, really.)